Having a Little Fun

While Paragon Orthopedic Center encourages healthy habits, we also recognize that it’s okay to indulge in moderation every now and then.  Today, if you’re a fan of the chocolate chip cookie, you will be pleased to know that it is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.  Yes, August 4th is the day to reflect on its accidental history and learn a few facts about this delicious treat. The chocolate chip cookie’s invention dates back to 1938 and remains one the most popular cookies.  How do the chocolate chips keep their shape and why don’t chocolate chips melt all over the place?  Because they have less cocoa butter than chocolate bars.  Visit your favorite bakery and they might be giving them out for free in honor of the day!  This article from Newsbytes will give you more information and even a recipe, if you’d like to make your own at home.
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day: History, facts, recipe, and more | NewsBytes (newsbytesapp.com)