My Shoulder Feels Like Something Is Catching…

When you move your shoulder, does it feel like something is in there?  Some people have the sensation that their shoulder “catches,” is painful, and/or has limited motion.  This could be from a loose body.  The loose body is cartilage or bone that has broken/torn off.   It can move around within your shoulder and cause pain and a limited range of motion when it gets caught.  An x-ray might be able to reveal the problem, but sometimes an MRI or CT scan is needed.  Our surgeon, Dr. Rob Bents, uses the most state of the art, least invasive technique using an arthroscope to go into the shoulder and remove the object.  Sometimes, cartilage repair is also done during this surgery when the object has torn up the tissues within your shoulder.  Dr. Bents is happy to see you and give you his advice based on over 30 years of doing orthopedic surgery.  Paragon Orthopedics Center’s number is 541-472-0603.   Here is an informational video from Paragon Orthopedics Center about loose body removal that helps you visualize how the repair is performed.