Videos available at to help expand your orthopedic knowledge

Paragon Orthopedics has a large library of FREE videos available for you. They cover a variety of orthopedic procedures and surgeries throughout the body. These might make sense of your issue when it is sometimes difficult to understand what is going on beneath the skin’s surface. Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne have a variety of ways to educate you in the office, but take advantage of these videos to view at any time from the comfort of your home, or anywhere on your cell phone. Paragon Orthopedics looks to answer all of your questions for complete orthopedic clarity. Call our office and our staff would be happy to assist you with an appointment: 541-472-0603.

Meniscus: What is it and why is it important?

Everyone has two menisci in each knee. These C-shaped pieces of cartilage are what cushion and stabilize the two big leg bones that meet at your knee. When this cartilage is torn, you experience pain, swelling, and sometimes limited motion. It doesn’t take a downhill ski injury or a major fall to tear it, but activities that make you twist or pivot make you more at risk of a tear. Meniscus tears are one of the most common knee injuries seen by orthopedic surgeons, but not all meniscus tears require surgery. It does require a professional to diagnose it. Paragon Orthopedics sees many knee injuries and can help diagnose your knee problems when pain &/or swelling is a problem. Get a diagnosis and move forward under the care of the professionals at Paragon here in Grants Pass, Oregon, your resource for orthopedic care in Southern Oregon.

Dr. Bents using 3-D imaging at Paragon Orthopedic Center

Customized implants for orthopedic repairs using 3D printing looks promising

Orthopedics has entered into the market of 3D printing to develop customized implants that can fit the patient better. A 3D printer is able to produce a three-dimensional product according to the digital 3D model, or “blueprint,” one layer at a time. This field is just beginning to get started and has a promising future Be on the lookout for tidbits in the news about this expanding, promising frontier of orthopedic research. You as a patient can only benefit from these custom-made pieces specifically made for your anatomy. Dr. Rob Bents uses the latest technology with 3D shoulder and knee models based upon preoperative CT scans and patients with abnormal anatomy or bony deformities. This allows custom implants to be designed for the patient when needed. Paragon Orthopedic Center is thankful to have Dr. Bents on the cutting edge of this technology to serve the people of Southern Oregon with the most up-to-date surgeries for the best outcomes possible.

Make sure your kids have strong bones when they’re young and give them a strong foundation as adults

Ways to Keep Bones in Kids Healthy:
1-Give your children Vitamin D supplements if they aren’t getting enough in their daily diet. Talk to your healthcare professional about how much is needed.
2-Eat foods high in calcium every day, such as dairy products, beans, and green, leafy vegetables.
3-Make sure they get weight-bearing exercise, such as running, or dancing. Pressure builds strong bones.
4-Avoid carbonated drinks. They can leach calcium from your bones, and you are substituting a drink that could be calcium-rich, like milk.
Paragon Orthopedic Center is your source in Southern Oregon of information about bone care, repair, and health. Our providers keep up to date on the most current studies to help you have the strongest bones possible.

Astounding result from studies on new osteoporosis drug

Osteoporosis is a huge health risk for not just thousands, but millions of people in in the United States. The drugs currently available help prevent bone loss, but they do nothing to build bone. This new one does. The FDA approved romosozumab (brand name Evenity) this week on Tuesday. The clinical trials showed increases in the bone density of participants, which translates to more protection from fractures in osteoporotic patients. There are side effects which must be weighed with your healthcare professional and Paragon Orthopedic Center is a great resource. We keep up with the most up-to-date medicines, procedures, and surgeries. If you aren’t getting answers that make sense from other healthcare professionals about your bone health, or want reassurance that your answers considered all the options open to your unique situation, the dedicated specialists at Paragon Orthopedics is the place to call. Count on Paragon for the best orthopedic care in Southern Oregon.