USDA New Guidelines Include No Sugar For Children Under Two

For the first time, the governmental body which recommends dietary guidelines has advice about toddlers and babies: no added sugars.  None.  Take a look at the contents of many processed foods and you’ll likely find added sugar.  The sugars for small children do not include those that are naturally occurring, like those in fruits, milk, and some vegetables.  The dietary guidelines are reassessed every five years and come from a committee composed of doctors and academics.  Based on a scientific committee’s work, some recommendations were not adopted by the USDA regarding sugar and alcohol consumption.  The overall advice is to “follow a healthy dietary pattern,” and the new slogan is, “Make every bite count.”  Read more from the Wall Street Journal here:

Human Body Temperature Is Lower Than You Learned

Researchers have looked into the 98.6 degree F body temperature we all learned and found that over the past 200 years, it has decreased 0.05 F every ten years.  Why, you ask?  It could be from environmental changes.  Everything from the way we live, the food we eat, and the microorganisms we’re exposed to are different and these all could impact our body’s regulatory processes.  After studying 25,000 British patients, the average body temperature was 97.9 degrees F.  Stanford Medicine has an article that goes into this in much more detail, saying that 98.6 F is wrong and digs into the facts.  Read more here:

Fish oil, vitamin D supplements not beneficial to cardiac health

A study that has been applauded for being well done with a diverse sampling of races shows that fish oil and vitamin D do not help prevent atrial fibrillation nor help cardiac health, as has been touted.  Doctors are saying you would be better off spending that money to eat better and get exercise.  Atrial fibrillation is an abnormal heart rhythm that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia, and possibly death.  There was a study that wasn’t specific about the connection between atrial fibrillation and fish oil, but this new one concludes there isn’t one.  This study followed 25, 000 people.  The use of supplements has risen and is a 12 billion dollar industry, but experts say their benefits are often overstated.  Focusing on a healthy lifestyle is a better solution.  Read more details from ABC News here:

New Study Shows Vegans at Significantly Higher Risk of Bone Fractures

The study results that emerged this past week about how people on a vegan diet showed increased incidences of bone fractures included that vegetarians and pescatarians also showed similar increases.  The vegan diet is typically lower in calcium and protein because vegans do not eat anything that comes from animals, which are primary sources of these nutrients.  In this study that came out of BMC Medicine, vegans were at an average 43% higher risk for fractures than those who ate meat.  Fractures were found throughout the body, but mainly hips and legs.  The biggest difference came in hip fractures, where vegans were 2.3 times more likely to have than those people who ate meat.  Previous studies have shown that supplemental calcium and vitamin D help offset these risks, but that was admittedly not investigated for this particular study.  More research needs to be done to include data on those who take supplements.  To read the fine points of this recent information, here is a link to a great article put out by

Do you know you fracture risk?

If you have never looked into whether or not you’re at risk for a bone fracture, Paragon Orthopedic Center has something for you today.  Here is a completely free tool from to help you understand your chances of a fracture if you are age 45 or older.  It will ask you some questions, takes just a couple of minutes, and will provide a printable graphic at the end.  In addition to the easy-to-read graph, it will provide a chart with steps to take for your particular risk category.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne at Paragon are always happy to discuss ways to keep your bones strong.  Fractures can dramatically impact your health and lifestyle, so it’s always best to avoid them.  Click on the link below to begin this simple calculator quiz:

ABH Fracture Risk Calculator

Is what you think you know about the Covid vaccine fact or fiction?

The Paragon Orthopedic Center newsletter for the month of December is hot off the presses and it’s timely news you’ll want to read.  We are covering the Covid-19 immunizations that are rolling out this week.  There are whispers of conspiracies and flat-out misinformation being mistakenly passed out as fact by some in Southern Oregon.  We help you get the facts and educate you so that you can help others who might not be as well-informed.  Check it out:

Paragon Press, December 2020

December Newsletter Coming Soon!

Paragon Orthopedic Center here in Grants Pass publishes its own newsletter every month.  Our goal is to keep you knowledgeable on all things concerning your health.  This month we will be going over the Covid-19 vaccination rolling out very soon.  If you have questions about it, we will provide you with the latest information in an understandable way.  You can also sign up to have this newsletter delivered to your email’s inbox every month by giving your email address to our front desk.  Stay tuned!

Can Walking Help Me Lose Weight?

Why not go for a walk with all the extra time you have?  Working from home, you’re saving on commute time, you might be waiting for your job to return, or maybe your life is just on hold.  Many people have been taking up new hobbies, revisiting old passions, but we at Paragon Orthopedic Center are always looking out for your overall health and we would like to suggest you take up walking every day.  A walk can do a body a lot of good!  Did you know it is a good way to lose weight?  Who wouldn’t like that with the holidays right around the corner?  The Mayo Clinic goes over how walking can be enough to help you lose weight with great explanations that will motivate you to get moving!  Invite a friend to hold you more accountable too!

How do I know I’m experiencing Covid-19, the flu, a cold, or allergies?

Have you noticed that you pay more attention to someone who casually coughs or sneezes this winter?  I think we’re all on hyper alert for Covid-19 in others around us, and even for ourselves.  Is that tickle in the back of my throat the flu?  The Mayo Clinic just came out with an article about the similarities and differences between the seasonal flu, a cold, Covid-19, and allergies that you might find very helpful.  Here are the most common differences between the signs & symptoms for each:

Covid-19: A fever, cough, and tiredness, often with diarrhea and loss of smell
Flu: Almost identical to Covid-19, but rarely causes loss of smell
Colds: Only sometimes cause a fever and muscle aches, but never cause vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea
Allergies: Never cause a fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or muscle aches, and rarely cause a sore throat.

The Mayo Clinic has great, quick to read graphs to help you distinguish the similarities and differences in more detail.  Of course these can vary greatly from person to person, so when in doubt, contact your healthcare provider immediately.  Clinics have triage people who can assess your symptoms and get you the help you need.  An interesting note is that you can have the flu and Covid-19 at the same time.  They are different viruses causing their own unique responses within the body and just because you’ve had one doesn’t mean you are immune from getting the other.  That should be motivation to do everything you can to prevent getting a virus.  That includes:

  • Washing your hands often for 20 seconds
  • Avoiding large gatherings or close confinement with people outside of your home
  • Avoiding touching your face, especially your nose
  • Wearing a mask in any spaces that are not your home, or when you are within 6 feet of someone not in your home
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently used items and surfaces in your home.

All of these suggestions can help prevent you from getting a cold, the flu, or Covid-19, which could prevent feeling miserable and possibly losing income from staying at home.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Paragon Orthopedic Center wants you to be safe and healthy this holiday season!

When “Don’t Worry Be Happy” Isn’t Enough….

Wintertime is a time when some people get the blues.  The weather cools and makes you want to stay in bed, the sun shines less, and our Southern Oregon fog can hang around for the entire day.  Paragon Orthopedic Center wants to help.  Here is a list to fight the winter blues from Kaiser Permanente that you might find useful:

  1. Exercise.  This blog has touted the many benefits of exercise.  Just start.
  2. Check your vitamin D levels.  Sunlight is a source of it, but you might need a supplement.  Have a doctor check your levels.
  3. Get some light therapy.  Work near a window, or use a therapy lamp.
  4. Eat a healthy diet.
  5. Stimulate your senses.  Essential oils, scented lotions, or wearing fun colors.
  6. Nurture your spirit.  Journaling can be a very helpful tool to organize your thoughts and feelings.
  7. Head to a sunnier climate.  Flying might not be an option for you during these Covid times.  A short drive to eastern Oregon or parts of California might get you to some bluer skies.
  8. See a therapist.  There is nothing wrong with needing help from a professional.

If these intrigue you, here is the full article to read more details:

8 ways to cope with the winter blues