Exercise-Related Transient Abdominal Pain; where is the pain?

People tend to call the pain in their side that arises during exercise a “side stitch.”  Did you know there is a medical term for this?  Exercise-related transient abdominal pain, or ETAP, is what that side pain while you’re exercising is technically called.  Despite a few studies on this, the causes prove to be too numerous and a standardized remedy cannot be found for all the causes.  The best advice is to run down the possible causes for your situation and try to correct them.  A few that might work are: not eating soon before your workout, check your posture during the activity, make sure you’re hydrated, and/or don’t drink too much before activity.  It can be incredibly frustrating, but if the pain does not go away when your activity ends, check in with a professional.


Are you learning anything?

Our blog is designed primarily to educate you, but what do you do with the newly found information?  Do you forget it?  Did you know you can cement it into your head more if you teach it?  This is called the Protege Effect.  You will also find the surgeons and staff at Paragon Orthopedics are very good at educating you, both at your visits and within our website, where you can find a multitude of patient education materials.  Once you learn it, share it with someone to educate them and make yourself a little smarter than you already are.

The Protégé Effect: How You Can Learn by Teaching Others

Are teeth bones? Paragon Orthopedics will help you with this one….

You might think that teeth are bones, but they’re pretty different.   Your first clue should be how they don’t heal the way your bones will after you break one.  Chip a tooth and you’re stuck with the look.  Teeth don’t contain the collagen found in bones that allows them to heal.  They also don’t have the ability to generate red and white blood cells the way bones do.  Believe it or not, teeth are the hardest part of the human body, and that’s because of dentine.  Read more here:


Dr. Van Horne and Dr. Bents are always ready to help you with your bone problems at Paragon Orthopedic Center, but don’t call them for your broken tooth.

How is a sprain different from a fracture?

Now that you know the word ‘fracture’ is the appropriate term for cracks or breaks in a bone, where does a sprain enter into the mix of terms?  First, you have to understand that a sprain happens at a joint.  A joint is not a bone, so it could not be termed a fracture because fractures are injuries to the BONE.  Sprains involve injuries to the ligaments and surrounding tissues at the joint.  Both hurt really badly and both will swell.  So how can you tell the difference between a fracture and a sprain?  An x-ray; it reveals what is going on beneath the skin.  Paragon Orthopedics has an in-house x-ray technician ready to take care of your x-ray needs here in Southern Oregon.

A bone break, a fracture, a crack in the bone…what’s the difference?

You might have heard people refer to a bone injury as, “just a crack” or “completely broken.”  Have you wondered what those terms mean medically?  Believe it or not, in professional healthcare, the term fracture should be used for anything that has disrupted the continuity of the bone.  Some medical professionals have spoken out about this because of media misinformation.  Whether the bone is in 5 pieces or has a hairline crack, it’s a fracture, no matter what the medical television shows present.  Dr. Bents and Dr. Van Horne are always looking to keep their patients very knowledgeable about their injuries and demonstrate professionalism in everything they do.  You can trust them and the Paragon Orthopedic Center team for all your orthopedic needs!


Now a  sprain is a completely different issue.  Stay tuned to the blog to find out more on that!

Should I see my orthopedic surgeon now?

When is it time to see an orthopedic surgeon?  Sometimes it’s obvious.  When a bone is sticking out of your skin, it’s time.  When a part of your arm or leg is no longer straight, it’s time.  But what about when the need for an orthopedic opinion isn’t so obvious?  It’s time when the problem isn’t going away or it gets worse.  Have you not been able to get back to an activity, especially an every day activity, that was previously pain-free?  Call us at Paragon Orthopedic Center and discuss it with our very knowledgeable staff: 541-472-0703.  Dr. Rob Bents and Dr.  James Van Horne have been taking care of the orthopedic needs here in Grants Pass, as well as the Southern Oregon region, with the old-fashioned feel of personalized service.  You’ll feel a part of our family when you visit Paragon Orthopedics!

Double-jointed? Please call it hypermobile.

Maybe you’ve seen your friend put her leg behind her neck.  Or the friend who can bend his fingers in ways that look totally unnatural.  The term double-jointed is frequently used, but it isn’t accurate.  You will never hear of a person exiting Paragon Orthopedic Center with that diagnosis.  Hypermobility is the correct way of describing these abilities to have excessive joint motion.  People with joint hypermobility don’t have twice the amount of joints, nor do they have twice the normal motion.  About 10-20% of the healthy adult population have hypermobile joints.  Some people can train themselves to have increased joint mobility for certain activities, such as gymnastics.  Unfortunately for those of us who are older, this ability gets harder to do the older we get, which is why you don’t see many 80-year olds doing the splits.

New improvements at Paragon Orthopedic Center

We are enduring big changes in our computer systems at Paragon Orthopedic Center.  As everyone knows, it takes time to adjust to changes, so a big thank you to Southern Oregon for your patience with us as we navigate the new system.  These changes will ultimately benefit you as a patient from start to finish.  As always, your healthcare is number one in the Paragon clinic and we strive to make your visits to us as streamlined as possible!

Women’s Health Week Brings Awareness to Bone Density Screening

This is the week to focus on the unique needs for a woman’s health.  If you are a female, take a moment to educate yourself about what screenings are recommended for optimal health as you age.  This is good information for men too, because you more than likely have important women in your life.  At Paragon Orthopedic Center, bone density screenings are likely suggested after a patient is seen with certain types of fractures.  Your primary care provider can tell you more about whether a bone density screen is necessary before a fracture, or if you need any of these other suggestions, to maintain your best health.  Check in with the women in your life to see if they have considered these for their health:
