Paragon Press – February 2015

THE NEW YOU FOR 2015: Essential information you and your health

Save your money: Skip the vitamins

The commercials make you think you aren’t as healthy as you could be unless you take them. However, study after study has shown no ability of vitamins to increase your lifespan, or decrease your chances of fighting a chronic disease. According to researchers at Johns Hopkins and other institutions, eating a healthy, well-balanced diet gives you all the nutrition you need. They discovered even more: taking certain supplements can increase your risk of death. Additional beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin A are considered useless and potentially dangerous. Even though you might be in the habit of taking that vitamin with your orange juice every morning, in light of this news, you’d be better off spending your money on more fruits and vegetables.

Switching to diet soda isn’t a guarantee for weight loss

Regular soda contains many empty calories: about 140 calories per 12oz can. People automatically think switching to diet soda, with virtually no calories per ounce, will make them lose weight. Did you know that new research shows overweight adults who drink diet sodas are likely to compensate by eating more food, thus resulting in no weight loss? A study published in the American Journal of Public Health showed obese/overweight adults drinking diet sodas consumed more calories at mealtimes and when snacking compared to obese/overweight adults who consumed sugary beverages. If you switch to diet soda for weight loss, you need to also eat less. It would be smart to look at other areas in the diet where empty calories are consumed, such as candies and gum, and adjust eating habits as well.

How healthy are those freeze-dried snacks?

Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables are a trendy way to sneak in vitamins and minerals these days, but are they really that good for you? Technically, companies have just taken the only the water out of the food, but unfortunately, they sometimes add sugars to make them taste better. These hidden calories can add up in a day. Also, snackers might find some abdominal discomfort because of their concentrated fiber. It’s easy to eat 20 dried apple slices, but think about how much that would be if it wasn’t dehydrated. Despite these downsides, the dehydrated snacks are much better for you than candies and sugary snack bars. Eat with moderation.

More sleep, a better you in 2015?

We’re a nation of sleep cheaters, trying to get more out of the day. If you’ve made a promise to get more rest this year, here are some tips to get quality zzz’s.

  • Exercise-Moderately, three to four times a week. Research has shown exercise improves sleep.
  • Limit caffeine-Don’t drink caffeinated drinks after 4pm. Research shows they disrupt sleep patterns.
  • Relax-Make it a habit to relax one hour before bed. That includes shutting off electronics, such as televisions and computers. The light from these can delay your sleep onset.
  • Control light-Keep your bedroom cool and dark, using a sleep mask, if needed.

The following articles were referenced for this newsletter:

Pierre, C.(Ed.). (2014). Diet Soda’s Downside. Johns Hopkins Health Review, 1(1).

Pierre, C. (Ed.. (2014). Skip Those Vitamins. Johns Hopkins Health Review, 1(1).

Pierre, C. (Ed.). (2014). Before You Pack Those Freeze Dried Snacks… Johns Hopkins Health Review, 1(1).

Richards, S. (2014). Cheating Sleep. Johns Hopkins Health Review, 1(1).

Paragon Press – April 2014

Stressed Out!

It’s all in your head…

Taxes overdue? Problems in your marriage? Not enough time in the day to get it all done? What are you doing about this stress? Some stress can be motivating, but when it becomes overwhelming, you need to take steps to lower it. Stress demonstrates its effects on our bodies in many ways: tense muscles that cause pain, heartburn, indigestion, decreased ability to fight infections and viruses, headaches, and disrupted sleep patterns, to name a few. There is a definite link between the physical and emotional states of our bodies. Studies on how stress compromises our immunity and wound healing demonstrate this. The good news is there are several things you can do to prevent or cope with stress, and stop it from getting the best of you.

Doctors in past generations used the “It’s all in your head” phrase a lot when it came to pain that was unexplained. Stress can exacerbate conditions you already have. Knowing that what happens in the brain affects the body can help us understand how we can reduce the effects of stress. When we have psychological stress, cortisol and other hormones make us ready to take action, otherwise known as the “Fight or Flight” mechanism. If the stress is from losing your job or impending surgery, the body’s reaction to “fight or flight” is not helpful. Neck muscles staying tense, the sleep disruptions, and a clenched jaw take a toll. This state of alarm can have a very negative effect on the body.

Being a patient is stressful!

Both before and after surgery, patients sometimes find themselves overwhelmed with stress.

How will I get around after surgery? I can’t afford the time off from work. What if the surgery doesn’t work?

Here are some things you can do to reduce the stress:

  • Get some exercise. You release endorphins when you exercise, which make you feel good. You also will use up the stress hormones your body has released when its under stress. Eliminate the negative emotional energy.
  • Go to bed at a decent hour and try not to take a nap longer than 30 minutes. You want to stay on a schedule of sleep, so your body has enough time to completely rest and recover.
  • Eat a balanced diet, including plenty of rehydrating fluids, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Do something with a friend. Social interaction and talking about what stresses you has been proven to relieve stress.

Other ideas

Some patients find that keeping a diary of how they are feeling helps them recognize patterns, such as headaches, or triggers. Try rating your pain level on a 1 to 10 scale several times a day. Progressive muscle relaxation, developed by physician Edmund Jacobsen in the 1920’s, is a technique where you consciously tense and relax groups of muscles. A link at the end of this newsletter explains this technique in further detail. You might find that putting your stress into words is helpful by itself. Keeping a journal of what stresses you helps you organize your thoughts and can put the stressors into focus, triggering a sense of control.

What about Marijuana?

While some advocate for its use to relieve stress, a recent study at Northwestern University has found that even a little recreational use causes changes in the brain. These researchers discovered abnormalities in two vital brain regions responsible for motivation and emotions. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that smoking pot will not have harmful consequences. The data from this research directly contradicts the common notion that a little bit of pot is harmless.

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” – Leo Buscaglia

The following articles were referenced for this newsletter: