Got Shoulder Pain?

Spring in the Rogue Valley invites us to get outdoors and tackle projects that the winter weather kept us from doing.  We have had some pretty nice days and if you have started in on these projects, maybe you’ve taxed your shoulder and are experiencing pain.  Or maybe you’ve started new exercises that have left your shoulder aching.  Have you wanted answers to your questions but don’t think it’s time for an appointment at Paragon Orthopedics yet?  Did you know Paragon Orthopedics has a web page with many educational articles and videos that go through common shoulder issues?  The videos can be very helpful with their visuals.  Below is a link to that page where you can scan many shoulder problems and maybe find answers to some of your questions.  Scroll down to the “Shoulder” heading.  Always feel free to call our staff at Paragon and talk through your concerns.  We are there to help you with all of your orthopedic needs Southern Oregon!  (541)472-0603