Grants Pass Surgery Center is #1 in Oregon

In October, Newsweek ranked the top Ambulatory Surgery Centers in 39 states by surveying more than 4,000 medical professionals and analyzing the performance data of over 5,000 ASC’s. Our very own Grants Pass Surgery Center ranked at the top of all ASC’s in our state! The surgeons at Paragon Orthopedic Center have been proud to be a part of this facility and make it the gem it has become. You get a more personalized experience at the GP Surgery Center, where you feel cared for and not just a number in a bed. They are also proud that this top-notch center can offer a variety of surgeries to the people of Southern Oregon at rates that beat major medical centers who have large overhead expenses. Congratulations to all of the employees at the Grants Pass Surgery Center!

Newsweek’s top ASC in 39 states for 2023 (