Happy Earth Day Southern Oregon!

There are a few activities out and about in Southern Oregon to celebrate Earth Day 2022, but there are plenty of things you can do in and around your home to help our environment.  Earthday.org has a plethora of information to help you.  Read an article about avoiding the use of plastic, take an ocean plastic pollution quiz, find tips on growing an organic garden, or get encouragement over the efforts you’re already making.  An easy first step is to reduce the millions of plastic water bottles used every day by purchasing a reusable water bottle.  Did you know the average American buys an average of 167 disposable water bottles every year?  That adds up to about $266!  Reusable choices come in glass, BPA-free plastic, and stainless steel, and are readily found in grocery stores, sporting goods stores, or your even local coffee shops.  Paragon Orthopedic Center was giving out reusable water bottles before the pandemic hit.  Find all of this information and more here:

Earth Day Tips | Earth Day Network