How to Be Happier

The Wall Street Journal had an article on Tuesday about a man by the name of Arthur Brooks who teaches classes about seeking more happiness in life to students at Harvard, but he is also sought out by businesses because his teachings have a broader connection.  His main areas of focus: family, friends, meaningful work, and faith/life philosophy.  You should examine which one you might be neglecting to find more happiness.  For friends, you need to distinguish who are your real friends, giving the insight that real friends “have a beautiful quality of uselessness: ‘I don’t need you, I just love you.'”  Let that sink in.  A real friend isn’t there for a benefit from you.  Other keys from him: don’t stress over what you cannot change, or fear failure.  Limit how stressed you allow yourself to get, and count blessings instead of burdens.  Some of the teachings are aimed at a business model, but there is much to be taken away for being happier in general.  Here is the whole article:

Harvard Wants M.B.A.s to Learn How to Be Happy at Work – WSJ