It’s Fall Y’all!

Have you ever thought about how to have a healthier Fall season? The CDC has a list of things to consider as we head into the shorter, cooler days of the year. Here is a sampling of their suggestions to get you thinking:

  • Make healthy choices when grocery shopping and at meals. Who is in charge of your meals: you, or the food? Take charge of your health and choose more fruits and vegetables over chips and candy.
  • Keep bacteria and viruses at bay by keeping your hands clean through frequent washings. Sing the A-B-C’s (20seconds) while lathering, then rinse.
  • Consult your healthcare provider about COVID and seasonal flu vaccines, asking if they are a good idea for you.
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
  • STOP SMOKING. It wrecks your health in so many ways and your body will thank you if you do. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for help.
  • Move more; sit less. It sounds easy and it can be. Park farther away from the store. Walk around the house during commercial breaks. Take a walk and enjoy these cooler mornings we’re having in Southern Oregon. It is recommended to get 150 minutes of aerobic activity every week.

Find more inspiration here:
Strategies for a Healthy Fall | CDC