The Healing Properties of Honey

The natural sugar that bees provide for our drinks and adds a touch of sweetness to our foods is now being touted for medical reasons. Medical grade honey, which is the type recommended for medical use, is honey that has been sterilized by gamma irradiation, which is minimally invasive, and allows the honey to maintain its antibacterial properties. You will see it advertised as Manuka honey because honey from the Manuka plant has more antibacterial strength, which is good to kill bacteria in a wound and promote healing. Here’s a fun fact: honey is actually acidic. It is typically more acidic than tomato juice or coffee. This acidity comes from the naturally occurring yeasts that ferment the honey and break down the glucose and fructose into acetic acid, similar to what happens when wine turns into vinegar. While honey for food has been sometimes found to help with coughs, gastrointestinal problems, and some neurological diseases, we are focusing on medical grade honey’s benefits on wound healing, since Paragon Orthopedic Center has to teach about wound care after most orthopedic surgeries. Know that not all honeys are created equal and that it isn’t always a solution for your particular wound. Always check with your healthcare provider before using it. Here is some information about how medical grade honey might be useful to your wounds:

Honey on Wounds: When, How, Safety, and Effectiveness (