Think About WHEN You Eat

If you consider that food is energy, then you can conclude you need more food at the beginning of the day as you set off to work than you do at the end of the day, when less energy is needed as you slow down toward sleep.  Some Europeans, like Spaniards and Germans, have dietary habits that correspond to this theory by eating their heaviest meal at lunch, consuming a light dinner when you don’t need much energy until you go to bed.  In an Op-Ed piece written by a dietician, eating more early and less at night is discussed with research that backs it up, as well as thoughts about how snacking fits into the day.  You might find what Ms. Tallmadge has to say helpful to control unhealthy food urges and develop an eating plan that can help you lose excess weight.  Read more here:

Eat More Early, Eat Less at Night | Live Science